
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Why turnaround?

I've been at my current church for 14 years, 7 1/2 as youth pastor and six plus as the Senior pastor. The church had been in a 12-14 year slide downward in attendance when I started, and was over $1.1 million in debt. The attendance on a Sunday was around 160-170 then. I began a study on turnaround churches, those churches that were established, had their "hey day", and went into decline. I began by reading George Barna's book, "Turnaround Churches." I then talked to other pastors, listened, and tried to get a hold of any books on church growth I could get, attempting to apply them to our situation. In Barna's book, he wrote about the emotional toll it would take on a pastor (and I should add, to the pastor's spouse, too!) to turnaround a church very set in it's ways. What I thought I would do is share some of my victories as well as defeats, pitfalls and triumphs in turning a church around. Hence the name, "turnaround." Why was the word "brave" added to the beginning? Because "turnaround" was taken as a blog name. And for two other reasons, 1. I love the movie, Braveheart, it speaks to me every time I watch it, and 2. it takes bravery to buck the status quo in a church and turn it around. More later.


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