Hurricane help
September 2, 2005
There is a web site I often check out, written by a pastor in the Irvine area. He’s got some great thoughts on the hurricane. You can read them here:
Our church is going to receive a special offering on Sunday to go to Samaritan's Purse and Salvation Army.
I heard Franklin Graham give a rousing call to the Church, specifically the churches in the immediate area, the followers of Christ, to adopt 10 families and provide for them. Our church, being in CA, is too far away to do that, but I'm praying about what we can do in addition to giving, and prayer. We might be able to partner with a church in the area when the rebuilding process starts.
There is a web site I often check out, written by a pastor in the Irvine area. He’s got some great thoughts on the hurricane. You can read them here:
Our church is going to receive a special offering on Sunday to go to Samaritan's Purse and Salvation Army.
I heard Franklin Graham give a rousing call to the Church, specifically the churches in the immediate area, the followers of Christ, to adopt 10 families and provide for them. Our church, being in CA, is too far away to do that, but I'm praying about what we can do in addition to giving, and prayer. We might be able to partner with a church in the area when the rebuilding process starts.
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