
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Life abundant

Everyone needs to get away to play every now and then. Kids are a great reminder of that. When I get too serious, I watch my kids, and realize there is so much more to life than work, even work for the Lord. Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly." I enjoy my work for the Lord, and am often in awe of being called to take care of those in a church. It is a privilege I do not take for granted. But I realize that not taking the time to enjoy life, like snow and sledding, for instance, causes me to miss out on all that God has for me, which includes fun. And I'm all for fun! So, here I am, sliding down a hill in the mountains of southern CA. It's life abundant. By the way, the white in my beard is snow (well, maybe not all of the white).


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