
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sin and Repentance

I'm doing a series of sermons on sin, which any pastor would approach with some concern. I had a friends email me that his pastor preached on sin and got all kinds of nasty phone calls. Ouch! But, as one of my professors in seminary would say, when preaching to people, don’t give them “half a loaf”; preach the whole gospel—even the discomforting parts. The discomforting parts are the ones that set us free, free from the sins in our lives that keep us from the best God has for us, and ultimately destroys us.

The response of the congregation is overwhelmingly positive. They are ready for more of God's presence in their lives.

This is an amazing quote about sin:
"Our sense of sin is in proportion to our nearness to God."
Thomas D. Bernard

I've used it the past two weeks, and will probably use it throughout the series. I'm looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in the congregation. How can it not be amazing when there are a whole community of people who are ready to repent of sin and are passionate about more of God in their lives?

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Quote of the Day

Don't use the conduct of a fool as a precedent.

The Talmud

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