Lessons Learned from Mel, part 2
2. Our need for community. I am more and more convinced in our need of others. God created us to be in communion or community with others. We are not designed to go through life alone. What specifically applies here is our need for accountability, for someone in our life to straighten us out when we are off-kilter. There is a proverb that says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” Faithful are the friends who will take my anger to tell me the truth, to tell me where I am messing up. I don’t know whether Mel has friends like that or not. That he has said the things he said about Jews would tell me if he does have close friends talking to him, they are too like-minded. We have to have friends that will disagree, and have opinions other than our own, so we together can help each through our areas of weakness.
3. Our need of prayer. I’m building off of the theme of community. We need accountability, but we also need to be in a group who will love and protect us unconditionally, and that includes praying for one another. If Mel was a “target”, which I believe he was ( I am not giving him excuse for his behavior, though!) he needs prayer. Those who are willing to take the hits and ridicule of others to proclaim the name of Jesus as Lord are targets of this world system. Since they are targets, it is the obligation of others, like you and I, to pray for those “on the front lines”, so to speak. We cannot leave our leaders and spokespersons unprotected. Whether you think he is or is not your spokesperson is not relevant.
I had friend tell me this week that they had noticed that any person in the news who claims the name of Jesus, a big target is placed on you. I would agree. Again, there is no excuse for Mel’s behavior, but there has been a target on him since the making of “The Passion of the Christ.” I have no doubt that there are many who have anxiously awaited this day, to bring the director of “The Passion” down into the gutter. That proves two things; we desperately need the grace of God. I am grateful that it is His grace that saves me, not my own righteousness. And the second point, those who have need to bring others down, are only bringing that person down to their level. That doesn’t say too much for those relishing in Mel’s disgrace.
He needs prayer, and he needs the love of a community who will stand with him in the midst of his sins and errors. In fact, we all need that. “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
3. Our need of prayer. I’m building off of the theme of community. We need accountability, but we also need to be in a group who will love and protect us unconditionally, and that includes praying for one another. If Mel was a “target”, which I believe he was ( I am not giving him excuse for his behavior, though!) he needs prayer. Those who are willing to take the hits and ridicule of others to proclaim the name of Jesus as Lord are targets of this world system. Since they are targets, it is the obligation of others, like you and I, to pray for those “on the front lines”, so to speak. We cannot leave our leaders and spokespersons unprotected. Whether you think he is or is not your spokesperson is not relevant.
I had friend tell me this week that they had noticed that any person in the news who claims the name of Jesus, a big target is placed on you. I would agree. Again, there is no excuse for Mel’s behavior, but there has been a target on him since the making of “The Passion of the Christ.” I have no doubt that there are many who have anxiously awaited this day, to bring the director of “The Passion” down into the gutter. That proves two things; we desperately need the grace of God. I am grateful that it is His grace that saves me, not my own righteousness. And the second point, those who have need to bring others down, are only bringing that person down to their level. That doesn’t say too much for those relishing in Mel’s disgrace.
He needs prayer, and he needs the love of a community who will stand with him in the midst of his sins and errors. In fact, we all need that. “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”