
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Office flooding anniversary

This is the one year anniversary of the flooding of my office. There was this southern California rain storm (which is unlike anywhere else, because anything that gets the pavement wet we consider a rain storm) and the run off from the church roof went down through a drain pipe that broke right over the top of my desk, ruining my desk, the chair, the carpet, the ceiling, and some of the book shelves.
The office was redone, making it an office I'm much more comfortable in and so it seems, does everyone else. It's much more warm and comfortable.
But the flooding of my office had great symbolic meaning. . .

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

What to do next

I haven't added anything for well over a month. I keep waiting for the perfect time, and of course, it doesn't come. I just finished a series at church on Nehemiah, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The book has become a great encouragement to me in seeking to walk in God's direction. I thought about blogging on Nehemiah, since I've got so much material, and may still do that. This week we start a series on Ruth, another great Old Testament story with powerful implications for us as we walk with Jesus. I could blog about that. The story reminds me of the promise in Romans 8, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose."

I did the series this summer on God's will, and that promise also fits that. I do not always understand His ways, my call, and the call of all who name the name of Jesus, is to remain faithful and obedient.

There is this great blog by a pastor in Washington DC. He's doing some very innovative things in trying to reach this generation for Christ, and in addition to that they have a fantastic looking coffee shop! He blogged about a new book called "Deadly Viper Character Assassins" (October 16 entry). Not only do I like the title of the book, its a great subject, walking in integrity.

Charley is in rare form again, observing the return of Pope John Paul II. You should check it out.

Alright, I'm back at this again. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, whether a series, or just random thoughts, my blogging is back. I enjoy it too much to not continue. more later.

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