
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I just had a friend, a long time member of the church, ask me what I thought about the immigration issue. Hmmm. A huge issue, to say the least. Here's where I would begin. Go to Dave's Adventure and check out what he's got to say. He is a friend from years back (14 years or so), who leads mission teams into Mexico. Our church has been a part of his mission team experiences for the 14 years I have known him. He is the kind of person I would want to talk with when forming an opinion on this issue. Whether you agree or disagree, he has a perspective worth reading. I have great respect for Dave and for his Ministry. He's doing some amazing work for the sake of the Kingdom of God.


  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Dave Miller said…

    Thanks Scott. I always appreciate the promo. Talked to Doug today. We were remembering the start with both Calvary and ABCLA many years ago. Along with my friends in Mexico, I too have been blessed by your help, partnership, and friendship over the years.


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