
Title: turnaround. Why? When I came to Christ, I had to make a turnaround in my life. I am in the midst of a turnaround church, and Christ is still at work turning me around to following Him more closely.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Reviewing "The Jesus Show"

I have some hesitation reviewing “Jesus”, but realizing this is just an actor playing the part, here I go:
On April 5 I was contacted by a local newspaper to ask my opinion on a radio show out here in the LA area which is on Sundays from 6-9AM. My first reaction to any show that would be like this was great skepticism. That skepticism changed on Sunday. From the opening monologue on sin the “Holy Host” (as he describes himself) drew me in and quickly made me a fan. So much so that I even recommended him to my congregation! How exciting, someone who is a Christian, who speaks thoughtfully and kindly, yet also with great wisdom and strength. Innovation and stretching outside of our normal comfort zones is a great passion of mine (hence the name of the blog, “Braveturn”), and what the “Holy Host” is doing is very innovative.

Yes, I know, your concern is that a person would actually claim to be Jesus and be on the radio giving advice. That person could be a nut case! I must admit that was my train of thought, but in listening to him all that changed. My fears turned to jubilation. Here is someone who can clearly articulate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant and truthful without being condemning or critical. I heard two different callers ask questions, and both were handled with care as he shared Scripture that contradicted their line of thought. I cannot say with authority that the Holy Host’s answers were exactly like what Jesus would say, but I could readily say it would be easy to hear those words from the true “Holy Host.” Give him a listen. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


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