I’m preparing to give the annual thanksgiving sermon this Sunday. This year the text is from Psalm 30, a text picked after reading some profound thoughts from a fellow blogger, Jeff McCrory What I appreciated was his demonstration that thankfulness is more than an “attitude of gratitude”. Stemming from the word “thanks” found in Psalm 30, he wrote that thanks should be something we do “with our hands.” “Literally when the psalmist says “I thank” we ought to think “I present something with my hands”.
How do you see thanks? Is it an attitude of gratitude, or something more as is taught in Psalm 30?
In another post, Tod Bolinger writes “Do you Trust Me?” He's in the midst of a series on the Sermon on the Mount. His statements on November 17 and his opening illustration are a great reminder of our need to "let go" and trust the Lord. I especially liked the quote he had from Dallas Willard,
How do you see thanks? Is it an attitude of gratitude, or something more as is taught in Psalm 30?
In another post, Tod Bolinger writes “Do you Trust Me?” He's in the midst of a series on the Sermon on the Mount. His statements on November 17 and his opening illustration are a great reminder of our need to "let go" and trust the Lord. I especially liked the quote he had from Dallas Willard,
“Believers are those who act as if the gospel is true.”
At 10:19 AM,
Laura Springer said…
I'm thinking thru 'worship' with the collegians on Sunday mornings and have noticed (something I knew but which had been buried in my brain) that the term translated worship means to bow down. I'm thinking I've just created a bit of original language research for myself. How many of the worship-thank-praise verbs in the OT and NT actually involve some sort of physical component? Hmmm.
At 2:10 PM,
James Manning said…
Scott, I've been debating the Intelligent Design all week and the it has been an experiemnt. There are four post. The post are long and there are a lot of comments and some of them are long, but it is one of the most interesting debates to hit my blog. Just thought that you and your friends might be interested in reading it.
Validation of Faith
Intelligent Design Pt 2
Intelligent Design Pt 1
How Scripture Aligns with Evolution
At 2:47 PM,
kansasscott said…
I continued my study of Psalm 30, some other words in it, "dancing", "shouting for joy", "exalting" as well as "thanks" are all action words, they involve doing. There is a time for reflective worship, but these words and others from the OT point to worship to the Lord being an action. Thanks for the input. I'll add it to the sermon on Sunday!
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